Writing, English homework, 07.05.2023

Assignments for 08.05.23


Folk music and dance classes in our school. The song and dance which I like most of all. Sports and arts in my life.

In my opinion, one of the most important things that makes our school different from other schools is the national dance and song lessons. Our school days always start with general lessons, where the students at our school gather and sing and dance what we have learned in song and dance lessons. Actually, I don’t like the dance lessons that much, the singing lessons are more interesting. But I learned a lot of Armenian dances only because of our school, for example, I liked the «12 foot» dance the most, I don’t know why, I just like it.

Our school also differs from other schools in that we can choose almost any sport and practice that sport during PE lessons. Also, we can choose classes related to our hobbies by our choice. I chose archery as my PE class. I like it very much. We shoot and practice with bows in class. And what about my hobby, I like drawing very much, but I chose biology as a subject because I have to prepare for my exams. At that time, I went to painting, and I also went to Georgian language classes. Maybe when my exams are over, I’ll go back to painting.

SOS – Save Our Space. We need your help to clean up our city. What have you ever done or are going to do to keep it clean?

The biggest problem of our planet is pollution. All people do not imagine what consequences they can cause by polluting nature. Some people throw their trash in the street instead of the garbage can and think that there is nothing wrong with it. In the end, that place becomes a garbage can, trash accumulates, and in the end, no one is going to put that garbage in the garbage can. By doing so, in the end that garbage reaches the rivers and seas and because of that the whole world gets polluted. It is because of this garbage that many animals die, the air is polluted, and people forget about hygiene.

I don’t think I helped much, but not throwing garbage on the ground is already a good help that all people can do. Just by not throwing garbage on the ground, people can help a lot to keep our country clean. Аlso, there are good people and organizations in our country who collect the accumulated trash and provide great help to our country. We also go out in the technology classes and collect the trash of our school area and I hope that we help our country at least a little.

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