Архив за месяц: Июнь 2023

Exam topics, 14.06.2023

The Internet in my life. The advantages and disadvantages of Media education.

The Internet actually means a lot to me, but rather, the people on the Internet mean a lot, not the Internet. I really learned a lot of things with the help of the Internet, for example, making different videos, which I learned on the Internet, has already become a hobby for me. I have found many friends on the Internet who have even become very close to me. The internet has really changed my life for the better. But of course, I don’t forget about real life, and I try to forget about the Internet and social networks, for example, spending time with my family, walking in the yard, etc. It is also very comfortable for me to do my homework with the computer. It is also comfortable in that if you have any questions, you can find the answers to your questions on the Internet and also the teachers at our school have e-mails and we can write to them if we have any question.

Exam topics, 13.06.2023

My favourite corner in the school. Where do you like to spend your time? Why?

Back when I was in middle school, my favorite place was the long day class. I always came there after school and without being late, because my closest friends were there. We always were told by our teacher do our homework there, but of course we left it at home with my friends and played with each other. Now, since I don’t stay long any more, I don’t spend much time after school. After classes, I always go and walk around the school with my friends. But when we get tired of walking, I always like to go to our school library. It is always very quiet there and there is not so much noise. Our library has 2 floors, which is a great advantage and I really like to do classes in the library, especially on the first floor. The second place that I like very much is our school’s farm. That place always reminds me of my childhood because I have been visiting the farm since the second grade. Also, we take care of animals there.

Our school web-site. Do you find it useful? If yes, why. If no, why. Suggest some ways to make it better.

Оur school blog, is very useful only for the students at our school. Our school’s blog is updated every day and new materials are added to the blog every day. I also really like the decoration of the school blog at this moment. In short, daily news about our school can be found on our school blog. But our school blog has one drawback. That is, if a student who does not study at our school enters the blog, he will not understand anything about our school. In my opinion, we should present our school more on the school blog, for example with various interesting facts about our school or how we study in our school. For example, when I was still in the eighth grade, we had a blog, which we used to do in biology classes, where we presented our work, and it would be very interesting for our school website to have such things as well.

Exam topics, 01.06.2023

Your school trips. Tell about your last trip or about the trip which you liked most of all

We travel a lot with the teachers at school, starting from the first grade. I have loved to travel since I was young, especially with my classmates, and I still love it. I haven’t traveled much this year, maybe 3 times. Last time I went to the Tejayruq. We had to climb a mountain there and actually the mountain was not that high, but we were a little tired. I have gone many times to overcome different heights, but this one was the most interesting and enjoyable for me. Also, I always traveled with the teachers whom I knew well, and during that trip, I was able to meet completely different and unfamiliar people.

Actually, I don’t like to travel for just a few hours, I really like three-day trips, because during that time we get to know new people, we can visit more places and of course I can spend a lot of time with my friends. It is because of this that my favorite trip was the three-day trip to Gyumri. At that time, I was still in the eighth grade, and I went with my favorite friends and teachers. I think that was the reason why that trip was the most memorable for me. We visited many places there: museums, cafes, etc. If there was a chance, I would have liked to stay there longer, three days was too short for me.

If you could change one important thing in your country, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answers.

Armenia has various problems, and it is difficult to say about any problem, because I do not know how serious various problems are for Armenia. For me, the most important problem for Armenia is the problem of the people: unity. Armenians have always been united in many problems and have always overcome problems together, but in recent years, Armenians have become, one might say, very separate. It is probably more related to politics. People have now divided into groups and started to fight against each other. Because of that, now we are not able to fight against anything and always come out defeated. In my opinion, the most important thing now is to unite as one person, it doesn’t matter who or what side, the most important thing for me is the preservation of our homeland. People must understand that all this must have an end and if we do not unite, then we may lose our Armenia.